
Friday, December 31, 2010


The basic batter for dosa

1 cup udad DaL
3 cups rice
1 tsp fenugreek seeds

  •  Wash & soak rice and udad DaL + fenugreek seeds  in  enough water for 5-6 hours. in separate containers.
  • Grind udad daL finely and add soaked rice in parts to make a smooth batter.
  • Transfer the contents into a vessel/container. Mix the batter well.
  • Cover the container. keep aside for half an hour.
  • Add salt as per taste.
  • Dosa batter is ready.
  • Heat the griddle/beedacha tawa. Pour a ladle of batter on it and spread it evenly. Cover it and let it cook on medium flame.
  • Once done light brown,fold it and serve it with coconut chutney and sambaar.

    If you want your dosa to be more crispy,soak 1/4 cup toor DaL in 1/2 cup water and grind along with udad DaL

Coconut Chatney


1 cup Freshly grated coconut
1 tsp roasted coriander seeds
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp tamarind
2 dry red chilies or 1 tsp red chili powder
salt to taste

1/2 tsp oil
1/4 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida

  • Grind all the ingredients in a grinder. Transfer the contents into a bowl.
  • Heat oil in a iron ladle(paLi) and add all tempering ingredients. Transfer all in the chutney. Mix well.
  • serve with Dosa.

Dahi-butti/Dahi-Bhat/ curd-rice

Dahi- Butti(Curd-rice)

General practice is to convert left over rice into dahi-butti next day. Basically the cooked rice which is used for dahi-butti should be separate(mokLa) and there should not be any moisture in it.
If you prepare fresh and spread it on a plate to cool for 1-2 hours before tempering ,it's OK.
The curd should not be too sour.

1 cup cooked rice
1/2 cup curd
1/2 cup milk
1/2 inch ginger(slices)


1 tsp ghee
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida
1 dry red chili
2-3 curry leaves
salt to taste

  • In bowl mix the cooked rice,curd and milk. ( Adjust the consistency with milk as the mixture would become dry if you keep for more than an hour)Add salt and sugar(optional) to taste.
  • Heat the iron ladle (paLi) .Add ghee. Add mustard seeds. As they crackle add cumin seeds,asafoetida and curry leaves. Add red chilies.
  • Pour the tempering on the rice. Mix in the ginger slices.
  • Tastes best with limbache gode loNache.

Dudhichi(Bottle gourd) Bhajee

       Usage of Dudhi or bottle gourd in our diet has become very popular nowadays. I have heard that its juice is a cure on many ailments such as hypertension, urinary disorders, obesity and many more; but I feel not only dudhi, inclusion of every vegetable(in moderation of course) in our diet is necessary  for our body.
        Whatever nutrients are required by our body to stay healthy are not collectively present in any single fruit or vegetable. So eating variety of food gives us diversified nutrients. So even if pumpkin and bottle gourd do not come under the category of 'favorite vegetables', I do get them once a month at least. Nature has given us in abundance, so let's make use of it!!!
         Yesterday my daughter was complaining of stomach disorder and did not want to miss her college. I gave her dahi-butti (curd-rice)and dudhichi bhajee in her lunch box. Curd is also to keep our digestive system healthy.

1( 250-300 gms)  tender dudhi/bottle gourd/lauki
1/4 cup moog daL/chana daL(optional)
1 tsp grated coconut(optional)
1 green chili
1 tsp ginger pieces

 1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida
4-5 curry leaves

 chopped coriander leaves
salt and jaggery to taste

  • Soak moog DaL(yellow split peas) or bengal gram DaL(chana DaL)in warm water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash and peel off the skin of dudhi/bottle gourd. Cut into small cubes. Slit the chili.
  • Heat oil in a kadhai. Add  all the tempering ingredients. Add soaked DaL and little water.Cover with lid for a minute or two. Letit get half cooked.
  • Add cut vegetable. Grated coconut. Cover with water on the lid. Keep the flame low.
  • No need to add water inside.
  • Check once after 4-5 minutes. Pierce with the fork/knife to see if cooked properly.
  • If done, add jaggery and salt. Mix well. Garnish with chopped coriander.

BhopaLyache Gharage

 Pumpkin purees
Lal bhopaLa as we call it, Pumpkin is rich in beta carotene, low in fat & calories. It contains 90%  of water.
  I prefer to make these purees in winter as they are deep fried. BhopaLyachi bhajee or bhopalyache bhareet are not that  popular as these purees are.

1 cup grated pumpkin
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 cup grated jaggery
1/2 cup grated coconut
1/4 cup rice flour
1 cup wheat flour
salt to taste
oil for frying

  • Wash the pumpkin. Remove the seeds. Grate the pumpkin such that skin remains.( you can make chutney of the skin)
  • In a pan heat a tsp of oil and add grated coconut,grated pumpkin and  turmeric powder. Cover with lid and let it cook on low flame for 2 minutes.
  • Add jaggery and salt. Mix well. Let the jaggery melt and mix in. Switch off the gas.
  • Add both the flours and mix with a spoon thoroughly when the mixture is hot. (Add wheat flour if required to adjust the consistency).Cover and keep aside till it cools.
  • Knead the mixture to make a dough. Apply oil on palms to make it easy.
  • Make small balls out of the dough. Pat each ball on a plastic sheet and spread with fingers to make a puree or vada.
  • Deep fry in oil.

There is no water added in this so these purees or gharage last for 3-4 days.If the dough is prepared in advance (i.e a day before)then gharge become soft.

Matkichi (moth beans)Usal-1

Moad aalelya Matakichi UsaL
            a veggie of sprouted moth beans

      We all know the benefits of sprouted beans. Sprouting increases the protein contents. The seeds are soaked in water for 5-8 hours( according to the type of the seed). Soaked seeds(hence swollen) are then drained and covered and kept at room temperature between 20-25 degree Celsius to germinate. Moog (green beans) germinate faster than  matki( moth beans).
      In winter it takes longer time for beans to germinate. To expedite the process, it is better to soak the seeds in warm water and keep the soaked seeds covered in warm place (e.g. enclosed in pressure cooker or in an airtight container for that period)

1 cup sprouted maTki(moth beans)
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/2 inch ginger (sliced)
1/2 tsp garam masala
1/2 tsp chili powder
salt to taste

1tsp oil
2 garlic cloves
1/2  cup chopped onion
1/2tsp turmeric powder

chopped coriander leaves

  • Pressure cook the  sprouted maTki(moth beans) by just making it moist with water.
  • Heat oil in the kadhai. Add crushed garlic cloves. Fry till they become light brown. 
  • Add chopped onion and ginger slices. Fry till onion becomes  soft and transparent. 
  • Add turmeric and chili powder. Mix well.
  • Add chopped tomatoes. Add garam masala ans salt to taste.
  • Add cooked maTki beans. Stir well. Sprinkle some water so it won't become dry.
  • Cover with lid for 1-2 minutes.
  • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

Soak the 1/2 cup maTki  in approx. 1 cup water for 6-8 hours ( do not soak in excess water). Drain (if necessary)the extra water. Tie the soaked matki  lightly in a clean muslin cloth or  handkerchief. Or keep it covered in a warm place for 6-8 hours. ( So basically it takes almost 12-16 hrs to sprout depending upon the beans. If you want to make the veggie on Tuesday morning,then soak the beans on Monday morning before leaving for the office. Drain and keep it in warm place after you return home on Monday evening. So sprouted beans would be ready before hand on Tuesday morning)

Batatyachi kape

   Shallow fried potato slices

Batata Bhaji is deep fried version of batatyachi kape. For batata bhaji, potato slices are thin and are dipped in the wet batter of gram flour. While making batatyachi kape, the slices are slightly thick and dry rice flour is used for coating. I generally make this as a side with mugachya daLichi khichdi with karmane.

2 potatoes ( washed and sliced with medium thickness)
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp turmeric powder
salt to taste
rice flour as required

  • Apply chili powder and turmeric powder to the potato slices. Apply salt.
  • Heat griddle/non-stick pan/tawa on medium flame. Arrange the slices by dipping each one in the dry rice flour.
  • Drip oil with spoon from the rim of the griddle . Cover the griddle with lid . Let the slices cook on medium flame.
  • Check after 1-2 minutes by pricking one or two slices with a fork/knife.
  • When done turn the sides of the slices. Drip little oil from the sides and let it turn to golden brown.
  • Serve hot as a side or as a snack.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Knitting as a hobby

I was in US with my daughter for almost 3 months.Plenty of time to rediscover my hobbies and interests,learn new things etc. As winter was approaching.I knitted this scarf for my daughter. I got the pattern from here

another one for her from the same site and the pattern is here

My  ongoing knitting projects are...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tastee Pulao

Tastee Pulao is an item on the menu card of 'Tastee' restaurant in Worli,Mumbai. My husband's favorite dish. It is non-oily (still tasty) unlike others.
As it is not always possible to eat there,I learnt this recipe by trial and error method. This time he said 'it was perfect' so I decided to share it with you all. here's how I did it.

1 cup basmati rice
1 tsp ghee
1/4 cup french beans
1/4 cup carrots
1/4 cup green peas
1/4 cup cauliflower (optional) or 1/4 cup mushrooms(optional)
1/2 tsp pulao/biryani masala(optional)
1 green chili
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp peppercorns
1 tsp cumin seeds
1-2 bay leaves
1 tsp oil

  • Wash the rice with lukewarm water. Do not drain the water completely. Let it soak in some water for 10-15 minutes.
  • Boil 4 cups of water with bay leaves,peppercorns, turmeric powder in it. Reduce the water to 2 cups after boiling.
  • Strain the water and cook rice in that decoction (with a tsp of oil and salt to taste) in the pressure cooker.
  • When done spread the rice on a plate and let it cool.
  • Wash the vegetables and  chop french beans,carrots diagonally (as in Chinese) Cut mushrooms into thin slices.(Cut cauliflower into small pieces) Blanch the green peas.Cut the ends of the green chili and remove seeds from it and slice it into fine rings.
  • Heat ghee in a pan (preferably flat bottom) add some peppercorns and cumin seeds. As they crackle lower the flame and add the vegetables and green chili slices. Add salt and saute for a minute or two.. Add pulao/biryani masala. Do not cover ( color of the vegetable should not change)
  • Add cooked and cooled rice. Mix in delicately with a fork (so the grains of rice remain intact)
  • Cover with lid on low flame for 1-2 minutes. (just to blend the flavors)
  • Serve hot with any raita or roasted papad

Methi Mutter with paneer

The sunday was a little busy as I was totally occupied with my school reunion. This all made up my day and I just gave up a thought of doing anything in the evening.The teachers' who taught us, Sanju's batatvada, the Pratharna(Prayer), Buva's shop at the corner  where we spent the entire 'madhali sutti' eating badishep,tamarind, gooseberry, raw mango......I was thoroughly enjoying the journey to the flashback....Three cheers for BALMOHAN!!!

I came home and was finding it difficult to come out of that nostalgia &  could not do the grocery shopping. So Monday morning was experimented with some methi leaves, some green peas and frozen paneer which was there in my refrigerator.


Here's how I made it....

  1/2 cup chopped methi leaves
  1/2 cup greenpeas
  6-8 paneer cubes
  1/2 tsp garam masala
  1/2 cupcurd

Make  a Paste
7-8  cashew nuts (soak in warm water for 20-30 minutes)
1/2 cup onion
1 greenchili
salt and sugar to taste

1tsp oil
1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1-2 tsp kasoori methi

  • Wash fenugreek leaves. Chop the leaves. Chop the onion.
  • Boil a cup of water and dip the paneer slice in it for 10 minutes.
  • Make a fine paste of onion,green chili,soaked cashewnuts.
  • Heat oil in akadhai and add cumin seeds. As they crackle add chopped onion. Add salt.Fry till light brown.
  • Add chopped fenugreek leaves and green peas.Add 1/2 cup warm water and let it cook.
  • Add onion-cashew nut paste. add 1/2 cup warm water. Beat the curd with a spoon and mix in on low flame.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste
  • Cut the paneer into cubes and add in the gravy.
  • Dry roast kasoori methi and crush with hands and sprinkle over the gravy.

Homemade Chyawanprash (simple version)

Chyawanaprash,as said in wiki, is an ancient ayurvedic tonic, widely used in India.It consists of many herbs which help the body to rejuvenate and to improve the immunity system. The main ingredient is amla/aawaLa/Indian gooseberry,which is the rich source of  vitamin C.
I got the recipe of chyawanprash when I was doing a course in the extra-mural department in Mumbai University. One of the batch-mates, Mrs. Madhura Bapat who every year makes this at home shared the recipe with us.
You can get these powders at any aayurvedic stores in Mumbai. There is one 'Patwardhan Bros.' on Ranade road, Dadar.' Gora gandhi' the famous ayurvedic store at Sat-rasta(Jacob circle). There is one at Gokhale road ,Thane(w).

1 1/2 kg BIG Aawala/amla/Indian gooseberry
1 1/2 kg Sugar
1/4 kg honey
1/2 kg homemade butter

All powders of
50gm cardamom
25gm triphala
25 gm GuLvelsatva
25 gm Vanshalochan
25 gm ginger
20 gm pimpli
10gms bay leaves
10 gm nutmeg
10gm pepper
5gm PrawaLbhasma
5 gm Mrigashruga bhasma
5gm Nagkeshar

  • Wash the aawala and pat dry. Prick holes with pointed stainless steel fork in awalas.
  • Pressure cook aawalas in a stainless steel container for 15 minutes.
  • Let the content cool down.
  • Separate the seeds from each and every aawala. Make a smooth paste of seedless aawala pieces.
  • In  a big thick bottom stainless steel container melt homemade butter and add sugar in it. Stir well.
  • Add aawala paste and let it cook on medium -low flame. Cook till the mixture becomes thick. ( there should not remain any moisture in the mixture )
  • Meanwhile mix all the powders ( sieve if required) with the honey.
  • When the aawala mixture is done, let it cool.
  • Add honey and powder mixture in it. Stir well.
  • Transfer the contents in a glass bottle.

My Mumbai

Travelling Trauma of Mumbaikars

         and a quick fix for the ailment
Mumbaikars are not that fortunate as far as  travelling is concerned.They have the facility of trains...Central,Western as well as Harbour but all are always crowded...sorry overcrowded.
The best public transport of BEST is available most of the time...almost 24 hours.Best has also started the AC bus services from various places.Rikshaws and Taxis are abundant.
  The problem is most of the Mumbaikars don't know the routs and numbers of the BEST buses and unaware of the new AC routs. Train time-table for the occasional commuters is the necessity. Fare chart for Rikshaw and taxi is handy for everyone.   

We can have all the info on the website. But all general public in Mumbai cannot afford laptop and the wireless connection... but all can afford cellphones nowadays....

There is a solution to this problem. Here is the link to download. You get all the public transport information on your mobile. 
Just click It's My Mumbai or Mobile4Mumbai

Just follow the instructions on the site and you will be having all the info of public transport in your hand within seconds.

Happy traveling in New Year!!!

Batatyachya Kachrya

A stir-fry version of potato veggie
'Anytime veggie' as I call it as all the ingredients are always available in any pantry. Potato, oil,asafoetida ,chili and salt are the minimum items required. yeah you can even make it without mustard seeds and turmeric.
Try it!!

2 medium potatoes
chili powder
turmeric powder


1-2 tsp oil
mustard seeds

  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly. Cut into half vertically twice. make thin slices.
  • Heat oil in a pan,add mustard seeds. As they crackle add asafoetida. add potato slices and sprinkle chili powder and turmeric powder over it. Mix well with a spoon.
  • Cover with water on the lid. Lower the flame.Check in between with a fork if cooked.
  • When half done add salt and mix well. Cover again with water on the lid.( add a spoonful of water if required)
  • When done, serve hot with chapati.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bharali Vaangee/Stuffed eggplants

Stuffed eggplant
This is the easier version of bharali vangee. No need to use grinder. Just fine chopping skills are necessary.

3-4 eggplants
2 small potatoed

1 cup onion finely chopped
1 cup chopped coriander leaves
1/4 cup freshly grated coconut
1/2 tsp sesame seeds(dry roasted)
1/4 cup roasted and crushed peanuts
1 tsp goda/kaLa masala
1 tsp chili powder( or as per your taste)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp tamarind paste
salt and jaggery to taste

1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida
a pinch of turmeric powder

  • Wash the eggplants and potatoes. Cut off the stems of eggplants ( I cut off the stem and keep the base intact) Then give four slits to eggplants upto the base but don't cut deep through the base.
  • Dip the eggplants in the water for 5-10 minutes. Chop potatoes in medium size cubes.(do not peel off the skin)
  • Mix all masala thoroughly in a plate.( If kala/goda masala is unavailable, add coriander seeds powder, cumin seeds powder  and any garam masala 1/2 tsp each and 1 tsp dry roasted sesame seeds)
  • Drain water from the eggplants and pat dry. Stuff the masala in each eggplant. Apply the remaining masala to all potato cubes.
  • Heat a kadhai on medium flame and add all tempering ingredients one by one. Add stuffed eggplants in the middle and then masala coated potato cubes over it. Add salt.
  • Add 1/2 cup water in the kadhai.  Cover the kadhai with water on the lid. Let it cook on medium-low flame.
  • Cook till potatoes become soft( check with fork/knife)
  • Make it semi dry.( let some water remain in the veggie)
  • Serve hot with bhakaree.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Batatyache sawng

Udipi Shrikrishna by Shri Rama nayak  This udipi hotel is just outside  Matunga Railway Station. It's a 'thali' restaurant , limited and unlimited. I have the recipe of this veggie from the book 'Saraswat Swayampak' by Shalini Nadkarni. It's really simple and tasty too.

2 boiled potatoes ( peel off the skin and cut into small cubes)
1 onion ( cut into thin slices)
2 dry red chilies
2 tsp tamarind paste
salt to taste

1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp udid dal
1/2 tsp mustard seeds

Soak red chili(remove seeds) and tamarind paste in lukewarm water for 10 minutes.
Boil potatoes. Let them cool. Peel off the skin. Cut into cubes.
Slice the onion.
(The quantity of potato cubes should be equal to onion slices)
Make a smooth paste of soaked red chili and tamarind.
Heat coconut oil in a kadhai. Add udid dal and mustard seeds in it.
As the seeds sputter and dal becomes golden brown, lower the flame and add onion slices. Add salt.Fry them till they become soft. Do it on low flame (do not make the onion brown).
Once they become soft and transparent, add chili-tamarind paste. Add  a cup of water.
Add chopped potatoes. Let it boil. Cook till most of the water gets absorbed.
Serve hot with chapati.

While boiling the veggie let some water remain because when it cools it becomes more dry.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

pineapple shira/ananasacha shira

2 -3 tsp ghee/clarified butter
1 cup rawa/semolina
1/2 cup pineapple pieces
2 1/2  cup  water
3/4 cup sugar
a pinch of salt

3-4 almonds(blanched and chopped)
raisins and saffron

  • Dissolve saffron sticks in a tsp of warm milk.
  • Boil water with pineapple pieces,salt and sugar.
  • Heat ghee in a pan and roast rawa/semolina till light golden brown.
  • Add only pineapple pieces from the boiling water in the rawa and mix well and roast the mixture little more.
  • When done add boiling water, chopped almonds and cover with lid on medium flame for 2-3 minutes (till all the water gets soaked in)
  • Garnish with raisins and saffron with milk.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Ukadiche Modak

Ukadiche Modak
         sweet dumplings

The favorite dish/dessert/sweet of Lord Ganapati. Generally made on Ganesh Chaturthi or Sankashtee.


For the cover
1 cup rice flour
1 cup water
1 tsp oil
a pinch of salt

For the stuffing
1 cup freshly  grated coconut
1/2 cup grated jaggery
1/2 tsp cardamom powder/nutmeg powder
1/2 dry roasted sesame seeds/poppy seeds (optional)

  • Mix grated coconut with jaggery in a pan and stir on medium flame. When jaggery dissolves and mixed well with coconut, take of the heat. Add cardamom powder/nutmeg powder.
  • Let it cool.
  • Boil water with salt and oil in it.
  • Lower the flame and add rice flour. Stir well with back of the spoon or knife.
  • Cover with lid for a minute.
  • Take off the heat. Let it remain covered for 2-3 minutes.
  • Transfer the contents in a shallow plate/paraat. Knead the dough when warm.
  • Dip your palm in water if necessary( if the dough is hot & sticking to your palm.)
  • At the end apply a drop of oil on your palm and make medium size smooth balls out of it.
  • Make a deep katori/bowl out of each ball ( taking one at a tome)
  • Fill the stuffing with a spoon. Try to pinch  plates (with a thumb,index and middle finger)to see  the video 'how to do it' click here
  • Close the ball by enclosing all the plates together.
  • Do the same procedure with all balls.
  • Place all Modaks/dumplings in a colander or container on a sheet of banana leaf or a leaf of turmeric.
  • Steam Modaks in a steamer or pressure cooker ( without whistle)for 10-12 minutes.
  • Let them cool.
  • Serve with  sajuk tup/clarified butter.

Banana or turmeric leaf is not available every time ,everywhere so you can use thin plastic sheet or cling film (purpose is to provide non-stick base for the modaks while steaming.)

Simple batata bhajee

This potato veggie/batata bhajee is the simplest of all veggies. Any novice in the kitchen can do this blindfold. I am adding this in my blog for Prathamesh, my nephew who is away from home and may need this homemade dish if he gets bored of  american/Indian food.
So Pratham, this is for you. Try it and let me know how it tastes.

2 potatoes  (boiled,peeled and cut)

2tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds(mohari)
1/2 tsp cumin seeds(jeera)
1/2 tsp asafoetida (hing)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder(haLad)
1green chili (chopped)
1/2 inch ginger (chopped)
3-4 curry leaves(kadipatta)
salt and sugar to taste

chopped coriander leaves
few drops of lemon juice

  • Boil the potatoes in pressure cooker. ( you can cook them in microwave too)
  • Peel off the skin and cut them in cubes.
  • Heat oil in the kadhai on medium flame. Add mustard seeds and cumin seeds as they sputter add asafoetida, chilies,curry leaves and ginger pieces.
  • Add turmeric powder and chopped potatoes. Mix well with spoon.
  • Add salt and sugar. Stir well.
  • Take off the heat.
  • Garnish with chopped coriander and lemon juice.

Aaloo paratha

2 medium size Boiled potatoes (Peeled and grated)
1-2 green chillies
1/2 inch piece of ginger-1/2 inch piece
3-4 cloves of garlic
5-6 sticks of coriander leaves
salt to taste
wheat flour-2 cups(Add salt and 1 tsp oil and knead the  dough)


  •  Grind green chilies, ginger, garlic and coriander  to make a fine paste. Add salt to   taste .
  • Grate the boiled potatoes and mix  in the above paste.
  • This is our stuffing for the Paratha. Now make 6-7 small balls out of it.
  • Make same number of portions (balls)of the kneaded dough. Convert each ball into a deep  bowl like structure so that you can fill the stuffing in it.
  • Make sure the potato stuffing fits well in dough bowl and close it.
  • Now gently roll the roti of this ball(filled with stuffing). Sprinkle rice flour if needed.
  • Preheat the gridle/tava, put little oil and roast both the sides of paratha till it becomes golden brown.
  • Serve hot with Curd,Pickle or Butter. It tastes Yummy!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Date and walnut whole wheat cake (eggless)

I call it 'mixer cake' as all the procedure is done using mixer. I avoid using maida(all purpose flour) as far as possible. Here I have taken wheat flour instead of maida. I also used refined oil in place of butter(saturated fat) The cake tastes equally good and it is healthy so that you can eat it too. Happy Christmas!!!

3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup refined oil
10-12 dates
1 cup milk
3/4 tsp baking soda
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 cup walnuts

  • Grease the cake container with butter and dust little wheat flour on it. Take the excess flour off the container
  • Soak dates(seedless )in lukewarm milk (with baking soda added) for 10 minutes.
  • Place a griddle with sand over it as a base. Preheat the griddle on medium flame for 10 minutes.
  • In a grinder grind sugar first.
  • To that add oil and blend the mixture till it thickens (solidifies)
  • Add dates-milk mixture and blend again.
  • Add wheat flour in two parts and blend.
  • Mix crushed walnut pieces and mix with spoon.
  • Pour the mixture in the greased container.
  • Place the container(with lid) on the griddle.
  • Bake the cake for 12-15minutes on high and next 15 minutes on medium-low flame.
  • Check with toothpick or knife(if after piercing the toothpick/knife comes out clean then the cake is done) before taking off the heat.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pea pod salad

Green pea pod salad
  wataNyachya saalinchi koshimbir
    As I said in my previous post, green peas are around everywhere in Mumbai as winter has begun.
I usually include this seasonal vegetable in the dishes I make in this season. So I was out for my grocery that day and an elderly  lady beside told me  that the pods in which the green peas are enclosed are very nutritious & can be utilized as veggie or a salad.. I was surprised and asked her how she makes it.I came home &  goggled to know the nutritional facts about it. I was amazed!!!

Here's how I made it.

Before removing the peas from the pod, rinse them briefly under running water. To easily shell them, snap off the top and bottom of the pod and then gently pull off the "thread" that lines the seam of most pea pods.  Gently open the pods & separate the peas.  You will have to remove the inner skin which is slightly harder than the outer cover. The skin comes easily if peeled from one particular direction. To learn the technique you have to use trial and error method.

I have uploaded a video of separating the inner skin of the pea pod.
Once you do that with all pods, rest of the things are very easy.

Torn the pods in pieces with suitable size, saute it on 1 tsp of oil ( It should not change its fresh green color and should remain crunchy) Add kaLa namak(saindhav), sprinkle some jeera powder( cumin seed powder),little sugar and shed few drops of lemon juice over it.

It tastes like 'hurda' ( tender jowar cobs) which are in season now.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Boiled sproted green beans salad

(Ukadalelya moad aalelya moogachi koshimbir)

Simple and healthy, full of proteins and can be your in between meal.

Soak 1/2 cup whole green beans in 1 cup water for 3-4 hours. The water gets soaked and beans swell. Tie the swollen beans in a muslin cloth/clean handkerchief in a warm place or you can keep them covered in an air tight container for 4-5 hours.  Beans will sprout. If you want the sprouts to be longer sprinkle some water on it and keep covered for 3-4 hours more.

Pressure cook the  moist sprouted green beans. Do not overcook. It should not become mashy. Sprinkle some black salt, pepper powder, cumin seeds powder, sugar and top it with chopped coriander. Few drops of fresh lemon juice would definitely enhance the taste.

Upwasachi misaL

Just like Prakash at Shivaji park there is a restaurant 'GOKHALE UPAHAR GRUHA' on Gokhale Road,Thane(W). (not in terms of appearance) They have this dish called 'upwasachi misaL' for the FAST loving people. I don't fast but I do taste this dish sometimes there.

Ingredients (serves 2)
1/2 cup sabudaNa(sago)
1 cup buttermilk

To be ground
1/2 cup roasted peanuts
1 tsp freshly grated coconut
1/4 tsp cumin seeds
a pinch of sunth powder(dry ginger powder)or fresh ginger
1 green chili or 1/2 tsp red chili powder
salt and sugar to taste

1 tsp ghee/butter
1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1/2 cup batata saLi( I bought it from Prashant Corner,Thane)

  • Dry roast sabudaNa (sago) and soak in buttermilk for at least  an hour. When soft add some more buttermilk to make it semisolid.
  • Grind roasted peanuts,coconut,cumin seeds, sunth,chili powder with little water to a smooth paste.
  • In a pan heat ghee add cumin seeds and pour the ground paste in it. Add water if required. Stir well. Add salt and sugar. Groundnut curry is ready.
  • Place soaked sabudaNa in a bowl , add the groundnut curry over it. Top it with crunchy batata saLi ( fried potato wafers)

Navalkol(kohlrabi) veggie

2-3 Navalkols(kholrabi)
1/2 tsp red chili powder
2 tsp freshly grated coconut
salt and jaggery to taste

1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp asafoetida
1/2 tsp turmeric powder

  • Wash and cut each into half horizontally & then vertically . Peel off/Scrape the outer skin of navalkol and cut into small pieces of similar size.
  • Heat oil in  a kadai. Add all the tempering ingredients one by one.
  • Add chopped vegetable.Sprinkle red chili powder on it.Add grated coconut. Cover with water on the lid.
  • Cook on low flame. Check in between and add 2-3 tsp warm water  from the lid if required.
  • (Do not add excess water)
  • When done add salt and jaggery to taste.
  • Garnish with chopped coriander.(optional)
  • Serve with chapati/roti

There is no need to add water if freshly grated coconut is added as it makes the vegetable moist. If you are avoiding coconut then you might have to add little water.

Harbhara UsaL

A veggie from black chick peas or bengal gram. This bhaji/UsaL tastes good if made little  spicy.

1 cup black chickpeas (soaked in water for 5-6 hours)
salt to taste

To be ground in a paste
1 inch ginger
5-6 garlic cloves
1-2 green chilies
1/2 cup chopped coriander leaves
4-5 mint leaves

2-3 tsp oil
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped tomato
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp garam masala/malwani masala

  • Pressure cook soaked chana with enough water. (approx. double the quantity of chana)
  • Grind the ingredients to a fine paste.
  • Heat oil in a pan. Fry onion and ground masala paste. Add tomatoes and fry well. Add other powders.
  • Mix in the cooked chana  along with the water in which it is cooked. Add salt and let it cook on medium-low flame.
  • Do not make it too dry. It tastes better with some gravy in it.
  • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
  • Serve with chapati or bread.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

MuDdushyanchi Aamti(Ladyfish curry)

This is a small fish and has scales on the  outer side. While cleaning one has  to take care of that.

3-4 ladyfishes(muDdushya)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1 tsp red chili powder
2-3 kokum/aamsule
salt to taste

1-2 tsp oil
1/2 cup finely chopped onion

To be ground
1/2 cup of grated coconut
1-2 tsp of chopped onion
3-4 peppercorns

  • Scrape the outer side of the fish. Cut off the head and tail. Take out the entrails from the cavity. Cut the gills. Wash under tap water.
  • Apply turmeric powder,red chili powder, salt and keep aside to marinate for 10-15 minutes.
  • Grind coconut,peppercorns and onion in a grinder to make a fine paste.
  • Heat oil in a pan and add chopped onion. Fry till it changes to light brown.
  • Add marinated fish pieces and toss. Add 1/2 cup warm water. Cook on low flame for 2-3 minutes.Add ground paste and stir well. Bring it to boil. Add salt stir well. Take off the heat.
  • Add  kokum/aamsule. Cover and keep aside for 5 minutes before serving.
  • Serve with steamed rice.

Kokum/aamsule can be replaced by tamarind. 

Aambat batata (tangy potato curry)

Sunday is a typical fish day. As I don't eat fish, I made fast, easy and tasty 'aambat batata' which I can eat with chapati as well as rice. Other menu was fried prawns and curry of Ladyfish (muDdushya)

1potato (wash,peel off the skin and cut into medium pieces)
salt and jaggery to taste

To be ground in paste
2-3 tsp of freshly grated coconut
2-3 peppercorns
1 tsp of tamarind pulp

1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/4 tsp asafoetida
1/4 tsp fenugreek seeds(methi seeds)
4-5 curry leaves
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 -1 tsp red chili powder(as per taste)

  • Wash the potato and peel of the skin. Cut into half length-wise and again into half length-wise to make 4 pieces. If the potato is bigger in size then cut those 4 width-wise to make 8.
  • Heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds, as they sputter add asafoetida and fenugreek seeds. When fenugreek seeds turn light  brown  add curry leaves and other tempering ingredients.Add cut potatoes and 1/2 -1 cup water. Let the mixture boil on medium flame.
  • Grind coconut,peppercorns and tamarind with little water in a smooth paste.
  • Check with knife if the potatoes are done.
  • Mix the ground paste in it. Stir well.  Add water to get the desired consistency. Lower the flame. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add salt and jaggery. Mix well.
  • Take off the heat.
  • Serve with steamed rice.

cauliflower veggie

Yesterday Dee surprised me with this cauliflower veggie when I came in the evening. I got stuck in a cultural program which started off late. When I came home, food was ready. The menu was DaLi toay, cauliflower veggie and steamed rice.  It was really awesome. May be because it was beyond my expectation but no it was really good. I asked her the preparation and am sharing it here.

3-4 florets of cauliflower ( soaked in water with little salt and turmeric....she did that  :)
2 garlic cloves( peeled and chopped)
1/2 cup onion(chopped)
1/2 cup tomato (chopped)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp malvani masala
1/2 tsp chole masala
salt to taste
1 tsp oil

Cut the washed florets into medium size pieces.
Heat the kadai. Add chopped onion  and garlic & fry well. Add chopped tomato & fry.
Add all masalas and turmeric powder. Add salt.
Add cut vegetable. Mix well. Cover with water on the lid on medium-low flame.
Check in between once or twice if cooked.
When done garnish with chopped coriander leaves.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Methiche  theple
  (Indian bread stuffed with fenugreek leaves)
Thepla is basically a Gujarati dish and it tastes best when Gujjus make it......just like when it comes to Garaba, no one can match up with them. They are born with these skills. Though I got the Gujju recipe from our neighbor Maya, I get hesitant on adding the amount of oil she pours in ;) and I know that makes the BIG difference.  I believe that any dish tastes 'yummy' if you have an extra hand on oil or ghee. But I also believe 'MODERATION IS THE KEY'.

1 cup methi/fenugreek leaves
2 tsp ginger-garlic-green chili paste( 2 green chilies,1 inch ginger, 5-6 garlic cloves)

1 tsp Fresh lemon juice
2 tsp coriander seeds powder
1 tsp cumin seeds powder
1/2 turmeric powder
1 tsp red chili powder
salt and sugar to taste
 3-4  tsp oil
1 cup wheat flour

  • Clean methi leaves in water. Drain water and pat dry the leaves. Chop the leaves.
  • In a mixing bowl add all ingredients one by one. Mix in  the methi leaves and knead the dough by adding wheat flour in parts. Use water if required.(If oil is more than sufficient,less water is required and vice a versa.)
  • Make 6-7 equal parts of the dough.
  • Roll each part into a roti using a laTNe(rolling pin.)
  • Roast it from both sides on the griddle. Use of oil while roasting is optional.
  • Serve with yoghurt/curd/dahi or home made butter or pickle/loNache

    • I grind some methi leaves/fenugreek leaves while making chili garlic paste,it gives green color to the theplas.
    • If methi leaves are not tender then I take only leaves( without stems) and make bhaji out of it with the same ingredients and then knead a dough.
    • Palak(spinach )or coriander theplas are also made in the same way.(use blanched spinach instead of raw)

Mint leaves/Pudina

Mint leaves are cultivated easily with a stem cutting.  Just put 2-3  thick stems of the mint/pudina in the soil and you will have it anytime around the year.
You will get the info about the kitchen garden here

Lapshichya rawyachi kheer

Lapshi rawa/Daliya Porridge

Cereals are rich source of vitamins & minerals. They are the major part of our diet.When refined, cereals lose the nutrients. Refining of cereals lowers down the nutritional value. Therefore brown rice is healthier than all purpose flour/maida.
Porridge is made out of cereals. Semolina/rawa is a coarse form of wheat. Semolina/Rawa which we use for making porridge/shira when roasted in ghee gets easily cooked in milk or water.
In case of daliya or lapshi rawa(thick semolina hence more fiber), time required is more. To save time I roast it in little ghee/butter and warm water and cook it in the pressure cooker before hand. Things become very simple thereafter.


1/2 cup Daliya/Lapashi rawa
1 tsp ghee/butter
2 1/2 cup milk
1 cup sugar ( as per taste)
1/2 cup freshly grated coconut(optional)
4-5 almonds(blanched,peeled & sliced)
1 cardamom powder or whole(optional)
2 tsp charoLi/chironji
pinch of saffron

  • Roast daliya(thick semolina) in ghee till it changes its color slightly. Add (1 cup warm water + 1 cup warm milk) in it. Add grated coconut (optional).Cook it in a pressure cooker.
  • Transfer the contents in a thick bottom pan and add milk,sugar. Mix well to remove the  lumps if any.
  • Add almond slices, cardamom, charoLi/chironji
  • Bring it to boil. Adjust the consistency by adding warm milk if required. Add saffron.(dissolve in a tsp of warm milk)
  • Serve warm or cold.

Watana Usaliche masala pohe

Cookery shows on television have become an integral part of TV programs. Once on Zee  marathi in 'Aamhi Saare Khavaiyye' this recipe using white peas was shown. It is a traditional recipe of Karnataka. I did that on the very next day and everybody at home liked it. [Normally I use white peas for making ragada for 'ragada pattice'. ] So I am sharing the new addition to my break-fast list.


1/2 cup Pandhra watana/White peas( wash and soak in 1 1/2 cups water)
1 medium onion( chopped)
2 green chilies(slit)
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
1-2 cups nylon poha( pataL poha)
1/2 cup nylon shev


  • Cook soaked watana (with same water in which it is soaked) , half of the chopped onion, green chilies and turmeric powder in a pressure cooker.
  • Transfer the contents to a sauce pan, add garam masala and salt to taste. Add little water( to make it semi solid), if required and bring it to boil.
  • While serving spread 1/2 cup of poha in a plate, add a ladle of watana , add little chopped onion(raw)on the top, and nylon shev.

Bangda fry

TaLlela Bangda (Mackerel Fry)

MayaLoo DaLi Aambat

MayaLoo(malabar spinach) with DaL
Typical of leaf vegetables, MayaLoo/Malabar spinach is high in vitamin A,Vitamin C,iron and calcium. It is low in calories by volume, but high in protein per calorie.

15-20 leaves of mayaLoo/malabar spinach
1/4 cup toor DaL/pigeon pea/arhar ki dal
1/2 cup chopped onion
jaggery & salt as per taste

To be roasted in oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric
1-2 dry red chilies

To be ground
Roasted masala
2 tsp grated coconut

1 tsp oil
1/4 cup finely chopped onion

  • Wash dal. Wash and cut leaves of mayaLoo/malabar spinach. Pressure cook dal, mayaLoo and chopped onion with 1/2 cup of water.
  • Roast coriander seeds, red chili and turmeric in little oil. Grind it with coconut to a fine paste.
  • Mix the paste, salt and jaggery with the cooked vegetable-dal mixture. Stir and mix well.
  • Heat the mixture and bring it to boil.
  • Heat oil in an iron spoon(paLi)/kadai and fry onion till light brown and dip it in the gravy. Cover with lid.
  • Serve with rice or chapati.